A Score of Ideas

A companion book to everyone's instrumental tutor.
A new book by Ros McMillan

This book is designed for beginning instrumentalists, current students and advanced players who would like to improvise and compose. A Score of Ideas can by used as a companion book to supplement instrumental tutor and band books. It will assist music teachers to help their students experience creative activities.

20 ideas to explore
Investigate concepts based on the fundamental elements of music:

  • rhythm
  • expression
  • tempo
  • dynamics
  • pitch
  • duration
  • tone
  • form
  • phrasing
  • articulation

20 performance activities to do

Each idea includes a practical performance activity, designed to help students experience the creative idea being explored.

Imagination, free play, creativity and self-expression – these forms of knowing are how we learn to experience and understand music in an intimate and personally satisfying way, to make sense of what we learn, and to acquire the types of understandings that provide the foundation for a lifelong joy for playing and participating in music.  A Score of Ideas encapsulates the very essence of what good music teaching practice is all about. I can think of no better music educator internationally to present these ideas than Ros McMillan, whose wonderfully ingenious suggestions are evident on every page of this important companion.

Gary McPherson
Ormond Professor and Head, School of Music The University of Melbourne

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